People with basic tax returns often find tax filing overwhelming and need help. Unfortunately, paid tax preparation costs an average of about three hundred dollars. Many low and moderate-income people can't afford to pay this much money. This is where you can help. When you volunteer at a free tax preparation site, you provide a much-needed service for families. Tax time is important for many low-income workers who qualify for tax credits. These credits mean more money to support their families each year. Tax volunteers help more than 3 million people file their taxes, bringing almost 4 billion dollars to taxpayers across the country. Every volunteer tax preparer plays an important role. On average, each tax volunteer helps file about 40 returns, bringing an incredible forty-five thousand dollars back to the local community. Many people mistakenly believe that you need to be a numbers person or have finance experience to become a tax preparer. This is not true. Doing taxes is about building a relationship between you and the client. If you like working with people, you'll most likely enjoy preparing taxes. If filing returns isn't for you, there are other ways you can volunteer. For any role, you'll receive all the training you need from dedicated trainers who are happy to answer any questions you have. Volunteering at a tax site is a great way to learn new skills, acquire tax knowledge, make friends, and strengthen the community. If you're looking for a job, volunteering is also a great way to build work experience. We hope you'll join us.