Welcome to the Times of Industry show today. If nothing else, my goal is to open your mind to the subject that is so close to all of us that we really think about it thoroughly. But as a business person, as an entrepreneur, I've spent considerable time strategizing and planning tax advantages for my own entities and enterprises. During my search, and also through referral from enlightened subscribers of Wealth Research Hub, we learned about the most schooled tax expert in the world on the United States of America's history of the IRS, their income tax, and taxes overall. And he's not even a CPA. That's the brilliant thing about this. And I am very excited to have on the show Mr. Dave Champion. Dave, thanks for being here. How are you? I'm great, Leo. Thank you very much for the invitation. A pleasure to be here. Well, first and foremost, are taxes in the US, the way that they're set up right now, a giant crime and a sin to the original Constitution? In other words, there are many laws written by countries... you know, I've been to 42 countries in my life but by now, and I've seen many countries where the books say one thing, but they're not enforced or they're interpreted in like a street interpretation, and basically there's a big discrepancy between the books and what's going on in practice. Is this one such case? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. It's not so much that the law here isn't enforced, nobody knows what the law actually says. The way I characterize it often is there's a difference between what's going on in the law books and what's going on on the street, completely separate dynamics. And you know, in...
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