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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing What Irs Form 13844 Taxpayers

Instructions and Help about What Irs Form 13844 Taxpayers

This message is brought to you by the Taxpayer Advocate service your voice at the IRS hello I'm Nina Olson the National Taxpayer Advocate we in the taxpayer advocate service are bringing you a series of consumer tax tips to help you understand some important tax issues you may be facing this series focuses on several collection alternatives which may be available to you if you owe taxes these are options that may help you to pay a federal income tax debt whether you are an individual or a business you have a number of options if you can't pay your taxes in full one option is an installment agreement an installment agreement with the IRS is something like a monthly payment plan with a car dealer or a store if you have filed all of your tax returns but can't pay your debt all at once an installment agreement allows you to pay smaller monthly amounts that may be easier to handle you can pay by direct debit from your bank or a payroll deduction with your employer you can also mail payments to the IRS to apply for an installment agreement you can contact the IRS and explain your situation or you may be able to apply online at the IRS website WWE IRS gov in most instances the IRS will not need detailed financial information from you before setting up a payment plan but if the total amount you owe to the IRS is over 25,000 dollars be prepared to give the IRS information about your income and expenses and remember if you can afford to make an upfront payment that will reduce the interest and penalties you pay overtime if the IRS denies your request for an installment agreement you can appeal once you've requested or...