Hi, this is Amanda from Gary Booth Chart Accountants, a CPA firm. Today, we're going to be talking about the U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or the ITIN. So, what is the ITIN? It is a number issued by the IRS to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but are not eligible to obtain a Social Security number. The ITIN is issued regardless of immigration status because both residents and non-residents may have a U.S. filing or reporting requirement. A lot of people ask me, "Do I need an ITIN?" You need an ITIN if you have income that must be reported to the IRS, if you have rental properties in the U.S., if you are claimed as a dependent upon a U.S. federal income tax return, if you have opened a U.S. bank account, and lastly, if you're selling U.S. property. This has actually been a very popular reason for obtaining an ITIN recently. It can be very involved, and they request several forms to be processed. So, how can we help you? We are an IRS certified acceptance agent, and that means that we can assist you in applying for your ITIN. First of all, you can visit our website at ITINagent.com to download the latest W7 form and personal information worksheet, available on our website. Secondly, you can fill out the forms to the best of your ability and then gather these forms, your original passport, and supporting documentation to prove the reason for your application for an ITIN. Finally, book a meeting with us to get started on your application. Visit our website at ITINagent.com for more information, and you can also contact us at 416-626-2727 or email us at Italian@garybooth.com. We would be very pleased to help you.
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