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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Irs Form 13844 Blog

Instructions and Help about How Irs Form 13844 Blog

Pursuant to Internal Revenue Service guidance, be advised that any federal tax advice contained in this program is not intended to be used and it cannot be used by any person or entity for the purpose of avoiding any tax penalties that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service or any other US federal taxing authority or agency, or promoting marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed in the show. The opinions expressed by the host and the guests are their own and may not be used as a Thorat ativ advice. Any use of this material without the written consent of the host is strictly prohibited. Welcome back! I am your host, attorney Steven Leahy, and this is the IRS Radio Hour. In this segment, we're going to talk about my blog and what is on the blog this week. On the blog, I talked about installment agreements. So, in the first show, we talked about the six things you can do if you owe the IRS money. After that, we discussed what happens if they catch you. The sixth option is to do nothing, but that can lead to them coming after you and potentially imprisoning you. The first thing you can do is write them a check and pay them. If you can, borrow money from someone else to pay the IRS instead of owing someone else. The second thing you can do is come up with an installment agreement, but you need to go to your local Giusti to do so. It might be better to go to Giusti as they won't break your legs, but they can still hurt you. The third thing you can do is be declared currently not collectible, which means you don't have any money to pay the...