There are three types of installment agreements that you can make with the IRS. What is an installment agreement? Well, an installment agreement is simply a payment plan. If you cannot afford to pay your full balance or full liability with the IRS, in certain circumstances they will let you break that up into payments, and they call that an installment agreement. An installment agreement is actually a term of art, a fancy lawyer phrase or IRS phrase, in this case, that means a payment plan, and there are three types. I'm going to go over those three briefly here. The type that most people want to hear about right now is what's called the it'z under the Fresh Start initiative. It's actually called a streamlined installment agreement. If you owe $50,000 or less to the IRS under most circumstances and can fully pay that obligation within 72 months, the IRS is going to go ahead and break that up into small enough payments so that you can get that thing paid off in six years. The second type of installment agreement is what I call a classic installment agreement, and it goes like this. If you owe more than $50,000 or if you've defaulted on installment agreements in the past, you're pretty much stuck with what I call the classic installment agreement. The IRS looks at your financial situation using either a form 433 F or a form 433 a and a 433 B if you have a business or if you're self-employed. They determine, using their allowable expense standards, how much you can afford to pay on your installment agreement payment, and it usually doesn't turn out particularly well. That's because their allowable expense categories are absolutely ridiculous. So, you could end up in a situation where you owe $100,000...
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